preeclampsia_hgnc Find_IDs Find_Terms Annotation
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created at 2017-11-21 01:00:10 UTC
updated at 2017-11-21 01:19:01 UTC
17,322 HGNC symbols and labels that are significant from meta-analysis of Preeclampsia genes from GEO.
17,322 entries
selectin E HGNC:SELE
selenium binding protein 1 HGNC:SELENBP1
selenoprotein P HGNC:SELENOP
selenoprotein N HGNC:SELENON
selenoprotein F HGNC:SELENOF
selenoprotein T HGNC:SELENOT
selenoprotein H HGNC:SELENOH
selenoprotein I HGNC:SELENOI
selenoprotein O HGNC:SELENOO
selenoprotein S HGNC:SELENOS
selenoprotein M HGNC:SELENOM