OryzaGeneName_UniProt Find_IDs Find_Terms Annotation
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license CC BY 4.0
created at 2021-01-29 23:02:47 UTC
updated at 2021-01-29 23:10:34 UTC
Pub dictionary created from Oryzabase gene mention with Uniprot URIs
66,934 entries
2M2B1 http://identifiers.org/uniprot/Q2R0V7
MDC protein having two MATH domains along with two BTB domains 1 http://identifiers.org/uniprot/Q2R0V7
Os2M2B1 http://identifiers.org/uniprot/Q2R0V7
two MATH along with two BTB domains containing MDC protein 1 http://identifiers.org/uniprot/Q2R0V7