ORDO Find_IDs Find_Terms Annotation
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created at 2024-09-23 16:23:50 UTC
updated at 2024-09-23 18:22:39 UTC
Terms for rare diseases as defined in ORDO.
The entries were initially sourced from the ORDO version 2024-07-03 as stored in BioPortal.
Namespace: http://www.orpha.net/ORDO/
20,514 entries
AxD Orphanet_58
CIL-F Orphanet_583097
DIDOD Orphanet_589905
DYT28 Orphanet_589618
HCL-C Orphanet_58017
ITPN Orphanet_580572
MPS2 Orphanet_580
MPS3 Orphanet_581
MPS4 Orphanet_582
MPS6 Orphanet_583
MPS7 Orphanet_584
MPSII Orphanet_580
MPSIII Orphanet_581
MPSIV Orphanet_582
MPSVI Orphanet_583