NCBITaxon Find_IDs Find_Terms Annotation
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created at 2016-10-23 18:40:17 UTC
updated at 2025-02-26 18:15:29 UTC
Organism names as sourced from NCBI Taxonomy on 2024-07-15
Each ID consists solely of the taxon number, with no additional prefix.
931,400 entries
Acanthamoeba 5754
Acrotylaceae 257543
Acrotylus 257544
Amphiplexia 257546
Aneides 57540
Antrocentrum 257548
Azeta 705754
Bathydorididae 2575431
Bathydoridoidea 2575430
Batrachoseps 57542
Catenocola 565754
Catonephelini 215754
Cocadviroid 185754
Zygodontomys 157540
Equinia 875754