MeSH2022MentalDisorder Find_IDs Find_Terms Annotation
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created at 2021-12-22 00:59:46 UTC
updated at 2021-12-22 01:01:19 UTC
terms under subtree F03 (Mental Disorder) in MeSH 2022
4,619 entries
chromophobia C000719196
leukophobia C000719196
melanophobia C000719196
porphyrophobia C000719196
colors phobia C000719196
phobia, colors C000719196
phobia, color black C000719196
fear of colors C000719196
color black phobia C000719196
color purple phobia C000719196
color white phobia C000719196
phobia, color purple C000719196
fear of the color black C000719196
fear of the color purple C000719196
fear of the color white C000719196