MeSH2022MentalDisorder Find_IDs Find_Terms Annotation
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created at 2021-12-22 00:59:46 UTC
updated at 2021-12-22 01:01:19 UTC
terms under subtree F03 (Mental Disorder) in MeSH 2022
4,619 entries
aichmophobia C000719195
belonephobia C000719195
trypanophobia C000719195
injections phobia C000719195
needles phobia C000719195
phobia, injections C000719195
phobia, needles C000719195
phobia, pins and needles C000719195
fear of injections C000719195
fear of needles C000719195
fear of needles or injections C000719195
fear of needles or pointed objects C000719195
pins and needles phobia C000719195
phobia, pointed objects C000719195
pointed objects phobia C000719195