FMA (148,038) Find_IDs Annotation
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created at 2024-01-12 15:34:18 UTC
updated at 2024-01-12 15:44:56 UTC
term from the FMA ontology.
Sourced on 12th January, 2024.
Sourced only the terms under PAE.
Frontotemporale FMA264726
Habenula FMA62032
Haemoglobin FMA62293
Hair FMA53667
Hairline FMA285412
Hairs FMA70752
Hamate FMA23730
Hamstrings FMA81022
Hand FMA9712
Haustra FMA14552
Head FMA7154
Heart FMA7088
Heel FMA24994
Helicotrema FMA61275
Helix FMA60992