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created at 2017-12-21 11:09:10 UTC
updated at 2017-12-23 07:29:12 UTC
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418,241 entries
Biliary ducts stent removal PROC:MTHMST
Ablation de prothese biliaire PROC:MTHMSTFRE
Rimozione protesi biliare PROC:MTHMSTITA
Biliary drainage PROC:MTHMST
Drainage d'un kyste PROC:MTHMSTFRE
Drenaggio biliare PROC:MTHMSTITA
Sphincterotomy of the papilla minor PROC:MTHMST
Sphincterotomie de la papille accessoire PROC:MTHMSTFRE
Sfinterotomia della papilla minor PROC:MTHMSTITA
Therapeutic procedure PROC:MTHMST
Gestes therapeutiques PROC:MTHMSTFRE
Procedura terapeutica PROC:MTHMSTITA
Thermal therapy PROC:MTHMST
Traitement par methode thermique PROC:MTHMSTFRE
Terapia termica PROC:MTHMSTITA