PROC2_YXZ Find_IDs Find_Terms Annotation
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created at 2017-12-21 11:09:10 UTC
updated at 2017-12-23 07:29:12 UTC
2 layers
418,241 entries
Suture of laceration of kidney PROC:ICD9CM
Partial ureterectomy PROC:ICD9CM
Partial ureterectomy PROC:ICD9CM
Ureteroneocystostomy PROC:ICD9CM
Ureteroneocystostomy PROC:ICD9CM
Bladder operation NEC PROC:ICD9CM
Other operations on bladder PROC:ICD9CM
Other operations on bladder PROC:ICD9CM
Remov cystostomy tube PROC:ICD9CM
Removal of cystostomy tube PROC:ICD9CM
Urethral meatoplasty PROC:ICD9CM
Urethral meatoplasty PROC:ICD9CM
Suture penile laceration PROC:ICD9CM
Suture of laceration of penis PROC:ICD9CM
Division of penile adhes PROC:ICD9CM