PROC2_YXZ Find_IDs Annotation
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created at 2017-12-21 11:09:10 UTC
updated at 2017-12-23 07:29:12 UTC
2 layers
418,241 entries
Wrist(s) and/or Hand(s) PROC:AIR
Ankle(s), Heel(s), and/or Midfoot(feet) PROC:AIR
Foot or Feet PROC:AIR
Neurologic Examination PROC:AIR
Drug Treatment and Response to Therapy PROC:AIR
Bilateral conjunctival injection PROC:AIR
Synovial Fluid: Examination PROC:AIR
Synovial Fluid: Culture PROC:AIR
Laboratory: chemistry PROC:AIR
Laboratory: muscle and liver enzymes PROC:AIR
Laboratory: serology (rheumatoid factor, etc.) PROC:AIR
Laboratory: serologic tests for bacteriae or viruses PROC:AIR
Laboratory: complement C3, C4, CH50 PROC:AIR
FANA (fluorescent antinuclear antibodies) PROC:AIR
Laboratory: hematology PROC:AIR