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created at 2017-12-21 11:08:47 UTC
updated at 2017-12-23 06:29:36 UTC
2 layers
17,329 entries
Oth coll stn obj-cyc psg PHEN:ICD9CM
Other motor vehicle nontraffic accident involving collision with stationary object injuring passenger on motorcycle PHEN:ICD9CM
Oth coll stnd obj-st car PHEN:ICD9CM
Other motor vehicle nontraffic accident involving collision with stationary object injuring occupant of streetcar PHEN:ICD9CM
Oth coll stnd obj-rider PHEN:ICD9CM
Oth coll stn obj-ped cyc PHEN:ICD9CM
Other motor vehicle nontraffic accident involving collision with stationary object injuring pedal cyclist PHEN:ICD9CM
Oth coll stnd obj-pedest PHEN:ICD9CM
Other motor vehicle nontraffic accident involving collision with stationary object injuring pedestrian PHEN:ICD9CM
Oth coll stn obj-per NEC PHEN:ICD9CM
Other motor vehicle nontraffic accident involving collision with stationary object injuring other specified person PHEN:ICD9CM
Medical misadventure NEC PHEN:ICD9CM
Other specified misadventures during medical care PHEN:ICD9CM
Excessive heat, man-made PHEN:ICD9CM
Accidents due to excessive heat of man-made origin PHEN:ICD9CM