MeSH2022MentalDisorder Find_IDs Find_Terms Annotation
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created at 2021-12-22 00:59:46 UTC
updated at 2021-12-22 01:01:19 UTC
terms under subtree F03 (Mental Disorder) in MeSH 2022
4,619 entries
kosztolanyi syndrome C537024
abnormal ossification and mental retardation arachnodactyly C537024
syndrome of arachnodactyly, disturbance of cranial ossification, protruding eyes, feeding difficulties, and mental retardation C537024
disturbance of cranial ossification, protruding eyes, feeding difficulties, and mental retardation syndrome of arachnodactyly C537024
arachnodactyly, abnormal ossification and mental retardation C537024