MeSH2022Disease Find_IDs Find_Terms Annotation
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created at 2021-12-15 00:03:01 UTC
updated at 2021-12-16 08:13:02 UTC
MeSH® Disease Terms

Source: ASCII MeSH files (d2022.bin and c2022.bin) downloaded from Dec 14 16:16 (JST)

step1: Selected records that have tree numbers (MN) beginning with 'C' and took preferred term (MH) and synonyms (ENTRY and PRINT ENTRY: terms at the left of the first vertical bars), and the corresponding MeSH Unique IDs (UI) from the descriptor file (d2022.bin).

step2: Selected records that have corresponding descriptor (HM) that corresponds to an entry in step1, and took preferred term (NM) and synonyms (SY), and the corresponding MeSH Unique IDs (UI) from the supplementary records file (c2022.bin).
80,878 entries
kearns-sayre-shy-daroff syndrome D007625
keipert syndrome C538337
keller syndrome C537923
kelley-seegmiller syndrome C562583
kellys syndrome D011004
keloid D007627
keloid acne, nuchal D000153
keloid acnes, nuchal D000153
keloid, acne D000153
keloidal acne D000153
keloidal acnes D000153
keloidal blastomycoses D060368
keloidal blastomycosis D060368
keloidalis nuchae, folliculitis D000153
keloidalis nuchae, lichen D000153