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created at 2021-12-22 03:08:20 UTC
updated at 2021-12-22 07:06:09 UTC
183,974 entries
amelogenesis imperfecta, hypomaturation type, iia3 C567706
isolated 4 microphthalmia C567757
hypomaturation type, iia3 amelogenesis imperfecta C567706
bartter syndrome, infantile, with sensorineural deafness C567762
alopecia, cutis laxa, and scoliosis macrocephaly C567770
dystransthyretinemic euthyroidal hyperthyroxinemia C567719
familial juvenile hyperuricemic nephropathy 2 C567760
partial, with minifascicular neuropathy 46,xy gonadal dysgenesis C567773
familial chronic mucocutaneous, autosomal dominant, with or without thyroid disease candidiasis C567779
glaucoma 3, primary congenital, d C567765
congenital, lmna-related muscular dystrophy C567708
open angle, o glaucoma 1 C567753
richieri-costa and pereira form of acrofacial dysostosis C535677
richieri costa pereira syndrome C535677
concentric retinitis pigmentosa C567712