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created at 2021-12-22 03:08:20 UTC
updated at 2021-12-22 07:06:09 UTC
183,974 entries
autosomal recessive 36, without vestibular involvement deafness C567219
autosomal dominant 3a deafness C567277
autosomal dominant 3b deafness C567215
infection by Blastomyces dermatitidis 5672
diamond-blackfan anemia 4 C567281
autosomal dominant 4 mental retardation C567240
diamond-blackfan anemia 7 C567254
retinitis pigmentosa 7 with bull's-eye maculopathy C567264
wilms tumor, aniridia, genitourinary anomalies, mental retardation, and obesity syndrome C567292
diamond-blackfan anemia 8 C567253
intracranial berry, 9 aneurysm C567238
type 3 VWD D056729
kallmann syndrome 5 C567220
diamond-blackfan anemia 5 C567280
autosomal dominant 5 mental retardation C567234