Label | Id |
EDICT | 13678 | |
KTCNCT | 13678 | |
EDICT syndrome | 13678 | |
EDICT syndrome; EDICT | | |
endothelial dystrophy, iris hypoplasia, congenital cataract, and stromal thinning syndrome | 13678 | |
keratoconus with cataract | 13678 | |
endothelial dystrophy-iris hypoplasia-congenital cataract-stromal thinning syndrome | 13678 | |
autosomal dominant keratoconus with early-onset anterior polar cataracts | 13678 | |
keratoconus, familial, with early-onset anterior polar cataract | 13678 | |
familial keratoconus with cataract | 13678 |