MENA_metagenomics_hosts Find_IDs Find_Terms Annotation
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created at 2023-02-08 05:56:28 UTC
updated at 2023-02-08 05:58:39 UTC
Collection of hosts for metagenomics in the MENA area.
172 entries
Sheep-2 Host
Hylobates_lar Host
Loxodonta_africana Host
Lycaon_pictus Host
Mandrillus_sphinx Host
Nasua_nasua Host
Ovis_aries Host
Pan_troglodytes Host
Panthera_leo Host
Panthera_pardus Host
Panthera_tigris Host
T.dicoccoides Host
Tomato Host
Ursus_arctos Host
Ursus_thibetanus Host