Lectin_name Find_IDs Find_Terms Annotation
license SH H 1.0
created at 2024-12-16 05:36:25 UTC
updated at 2024-12-19 04:30:53 UTC
This dictionary was developed under the GlyCosmos project and aims to annotate functions of lectins through peer-reviewed publication.
5,324 entries
Hemolysin GL_000546
Hemolysin 4 GL_000547
Hemolysin ahh1 GL_000548
Hypnin-A3 GL_000549
Immunomodulatory protein FIP-Fve GL_000550
Inactive cell surface hyaluronidase CEMIP2 GL_000551
Inactive protein RESTRICTED TEV MOVEMENT 1 GL_000552
Inactive protein RESTRICTED TEV MOVEMENT 1 GL_000553
Integral membrane protein DGCR2/IDD GL_000554
Integral membrane protein DGCR2/IDD GL_000555
Intelectin-1 GL_000556
Intelectin-1a GL_000557
Intermembrane lipid transfer protein Vps13D GL_000558
Inulin-specific lectin (Fragment) GL_000559
Ipomoelin GL_000560