HP_Garvan Find_IDs Find_Terms Annotation
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created at 2016-10-31 03:43:25 UTC
updated at 2016-11-01 06:00:21 UTC
A dictionary for testing, containing all HPO terms, their synonyms, and lexical variants for 460 selected terms.
1,309,857 entries
reninism ectopic HP:0000086_196
one siding cleavability palatine HP:0100334_772
duplicature rennins collections systemise HP:0000081_24122
reninism ectopia HP:0000086_197
duplicature rennins collections systemize HP:0000081_24123
abnormal of the lowered jawed boneyer HP:0000277_1960
reninism ectopically HP:0000086_198
reninner ectopy HP:0000086_199
abnormal of the lowered jawed boneyest HP:0000277_1961
abnormal of the lowered jawed boniest HP:0000277_1962
abnormal of the lowered jawed bone HP:0000277_1963
Renal ectopia HP:0000086_2
abnormal of the lowered jawed bony HP:0000277_1964
ectopias kidneys HP:0000086_2
abnormal of the lowered jawed boniness HP:0000277_1965