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created at 2016-10-27 14:16:40 UTC
updated at 2016-10-27 14:17:43 UTC
Human Phenotype Ontology
26,052 entries
Narrow nostrils HP:0009933_9
Uneven upper jaw HP:0010755_2
Tilted upper jaw HP:0010755_3
Nevus sebaceous HP:0010815_0
Naevus sebaceous HP:0010815_1
Sebaceous nevus HP:0010815_2
Sebaceous naevus HP:0010815_3
Sebaceous mole HP:0010815_4
Organoid nevus HP:0010815_5
Epidermal nevus HP:0010816_0
Hyperleucinemia HP:0010911_0
Green colored teeth HP:0011075_2
Fusion of teeth HP:0011090_2
Gemination HP:0011091_0
Gemination of tooth HP:0011091_1