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created at |
2024-01-12 15:34:18 UTC |
updated at |
2024-11-28 14:07:11 UTC |
Anatomical terms from the FMA ontology, Version 5.0.0.
The IDs are prefixed with "FMA:", resulting in the format "FMA:12345".
Only the terms under the node "Physical anatomical entity" are included,
and the terms under the node "Biological macromolecule" are excluded.
147,342 entries
There is 0 pattern entry.
Azygos vein
FMA:4838 |
Azygos venous tree
FMA:4838 |
Fascia of longissimus thoracis
FMA:48387 |
Muscle fasciculus of right longissimus cervicis
FMA:48382 |
Left longissimus cervicis perimysium
FMA:48380 |
Left longissimus cervicis tendon
FMA:48386 |
Longissimus cervicis tendon
FMA:48384 |
Longissimus thoracis fascia
FMA:48387 |
Tendon of left longissimus cervicis
FMA:48386 |
Muscle fasciculus of left longissimus cervicis
FMA:48383 |
Muscle fasciculus of longissimus cervicis
FMA:48381 |
Perimysium of left longissimus cervicis
FMA:48380 |
Right longissimus cervicis tendon
FMA:48385 |
Tendon of longissimus cervicis
FMA:48384 |
Tendon of longissimus cervicis muscle
FMA:48384 |