DISO2_YXZ Find_IDs Find_Terms Annotation
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created at 2017-12-21 11:07:44 UTC
updated at 2017-12-22 12:31:05 UTC
2 layers
520,470 entries
Aganglionosis, Colonic DISO:MTH
Total intestinal aganglionosis DISO:MTH
Anomalous omental congenital adhesions DISO:MTHICD9
Congenital diverticulum of intestinal tract DISO:MTH
Duplication of appendix DISO:MTHICD9
Congenital Intrahepatic Biliary Atresia DISO:MTH
Congenital stricture of common bile duct or passage DISO:MTHICD9
Congenital aplasia of round ligament DISO:MTHICD9
Aplasia of round ligament DISO:MTHICD9
Cyst, epoophoron DISO:MTHICD9
Doubling of uterus any degree associated with doubling of cervix and vagina DISO:MTHICD9
Doubling of uterus associated with doubling of cervix and vagina DISO:MTHICD9
Congenital phimosis DISO:MTH
Congenital phimosis DISO:MTHICD9
Trifid kidney DISO:MTHICD9