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created at 2017-12-21 11:07:44 UTC
updated at 2017-12-22 12:31:05 UTC
2 layers
520,470 entries
Upper gastrointestinal disorders DISO:CCS
Upper gastrointestinal disorders DISO:CCS_10
Inguinal hernia with obstruction or gangrene DISO:CCS
Lower gastrointestinal disorders DISO:CCS
Lower gastrointestinal disorders DISO:CCS_10
Acute appendicitis with abscess or peritonitis DISO:CCS
Acute appendicitis without abscess or peritonitis DISO:CCS
Other appendiceal conditions DISO:CCS
Peritoneal or intestinal adhesions DISO:CCS
Cholelithiasis with other cholecystitis DISO:CCS
Cholelithiasis without mention of cholecystitis DISO:CCS
Cholecystitis without cholelithiasis DISO:CCS
Other and unspecified liver disorders DISO:CCS
Other pancreatic disorders DISO:CCS
Hemorrhage from gastrointestinal ulcer DISO:CCS