DISO1_YXZ Find_IDs Find_Terms Annotation
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created at 2017-12-23 06:32:11 UTC
updated at 2017-12-25 06:43:18 UTC
1 layer
520,470 entries
Manic disorder, recurrent episode, unspecified degree DISO
Sed,hyp,anxiolyt dep-NOS DISO
Sedative, hypnotic or anxiolytic dependence, unspecified DISO
Conduct disorder, adolescent onset type DISO
Barbiturate and similarly acting sedative or hypnotic dependence, unspecified use DISO
Cannabis depend-unspec DISO
Cannabis dependence, unspecified DISO
Cannabis dependence, unspecified use DISO
Cannabis dependence, unspecified use DISO
Opioid/other dep-unspec DISO
Combinations of opioid type drug with any other drug dependence, unspecified DISO
Combinations of opioid type drug with any other drug dependence, unspecified use DISO
Comb drug dep NEC-unspec DISO
Combinations of drug dependence excluding opioid type drug, unspecified DISO
Combinations of drug dependence excluding opioid type drug, unspecified use DISO