DISO1_YXZ Find_IDs Find_Terms Annotation
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created at 2017-12-23 06:32:11 UTC
updated at 2017-12-25 06:43:18 UTC
1 layer
520,470 entries
silence DISO
Talkativeness DISO
Sensitivity, shyness, and social withdrawal disorder specific to childhood or adolescence DISO
Senile dementia, simple type DISO
Manic-depressive psychosis, circular type but currently manic DISO
Bipolar disorder, now manic DISO
Manic-depressive psychosis, circular type but currently depressed DISO
Bipolar disorder, now depressed DISO
Manic-depressive psychosis, circular type, mixed DISO
Personality disorder with predominantly sociopathic or asocial manifestation DISO
Drug dependence of morphine type DISO
Nondependent abuse of tobacco DISO
Compulsive conduct disorder DISO
Dependence on barbiturates DISO
Combinations of drug dependence excluding morphine type drug DISO