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created at 2017-12-23 06:31:57 UTC
updated at 2017-12-25 06:22:43 UTC
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45,270 entries
O shoe convert to sof counte DEVI
Orthopedic shoe addition, march bar DEVI
Ortho shoe add march bar DEVI
Addition to lower limb prosthesis, multiaxial ankle with swing phase active dorsiflexion feature DEVI
Multiaxial ankle w dorsiflex DEVI
All lower extremity prosthesis, combination single axis ankle and flexible keel foot DEVI
Combo ankle/foot prosthesis DEVI
Addition to lower limb prosthesis, vertical shock reducing pylon feature DEVI
Vertical shock reducing pylo DEVI
Upper extremity addition, locking elbow, forearm counterbalance DEVI
Lockingelbow forearm cntrbal DEVI
External breast prosthesis garment, with mastectomy form, post mastectomy DEVI
Ext breastprosthesis garment DEVI
Custom breast prosthesis, post mastectomy, molded to patient model DEVI
Custom breast prosthesis DEVI