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created at 2017-12-23 06:31:57 UTC
updated at 2017-12-25 06:22:43 UTC
1 layer
45,270 entries
Hand-held pefr meter DEVI
Peak expiratory flow rate meter, hand held DEVI
Percutaneous catheter/tube anchoring device, adhesive skin attachment DEVI
Percutaneous catheter anchor DEVI
Enteral nutrition infusion pump - without alarm DEVI
Enter infusion pump w/o alrm DEVI
Neg press vent portabl/statn DEVI
Negative pressure ventilator; portable or stationary DEVI
Implantable intraspinal (epidural/intrathecal) catheter used with implantable infusion pump, replacement DEVI
Replacement impl pump cathet DEVI
Kidney dialysate delivry sys DEVI
Seat height less than 17" or equal to or greater than 21" for a high strength, lightweight, or ultralightweight wheelchair DEVI
Seat ht <17 or >=21 ltwt wc DEVI
Headgear used with positive airway pressure device DEVI
Pos airway press headgear DEVI