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created at 2017-12-21 11:07:16 UTC
updated at 2017-12-21 12:22:32 UTC
2 layers
143,100 entries
Nombre de ligature CONC:MTHMSTFRE
Numero di legature CONC:MTHMSTITA
Prosthesis length CONC:MTHMST
Longueur de la prothese CONC:MTHMSTFRE
Lunghezza della protesi CONC:MTHMSTITA
Prosthesis diameter CONC:MTHMST
Diametre de la prothese CONC:MTHMSTFRE
Diametro della protesi CONC:MTHMSTITA
Size of esophageal mass CONC:MTHMST
Size of esophageal tumor CONC:MTHMST
Taille de tumeur oesophagienne CONC:MTHMSTFRE
Dimensioni della neoformazione esofagea CONC:MTHMSTITA
Size of colonic polyp CONC:MTHMST
Taille de polype du colon CONC:MTHMSTFRE
Dimensioni del polipo del colon CONC:MTHMSTITA