CONC2_YXZ Find_IDs Find_Terms Annotation
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created at 2017-12-21 11:07:16 UTC
updated at 2017-12-21 12:22:32 UTC
2 layers
143,100 entries
rapid CONC:AOD
consistency of measurement CONC:AOD
waiting list for health services CONC:AOD
adverse selection CONC:AOD
latent variable CONC:AOD
type 2 error probability CONC:AOD
Alcohol or Other Drugs use and driving prevalence CONC:AOD
AOD use and driving prevalence CONC:AOD
drinking and driving prevalence CONC:AOD
perceived risk CONC:AOD
perception of risk CONC:AOD
physiological markers CONC:AOD
electrophysiological markers CONC:AOD
behavioral markers CONC:AOD
sociocultural markers CONC:AOD