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created at 2016-12-13 06:39:01 UTC
updated at 2020-04-26 11:31:25 UTC
Abbreviations and their expanded forms in Allie.
Frequencies of the pairs in MEDLINE > 4.
337,168 entries
AT/RT Atypical teratoid rhabdoid tumor
ASAP Atypical Small Acinar Proliferation
ASAP Atypical small acinar proliferation
ASAP atypical small acinar proliferation
ASC atypical squamous cell
ASC atypical squamous cells
ASC-H atypical squamous cells cannot exclude high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion
ASC-H atypical squamous cells, cannot exclude HSIL
ASC-H atypical squamous cells, cannot exclude high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion
ASC-H atypical squamous cells-cannot exclude high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion
ASC-US Atypical Squamous Cells of Undetermined Significance
ASC-US atypical squamous cell of undetermined significance
ASC-US atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance
ASCUS Atypical Squamous Cells of Undetermined Significance
ASCUS Atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance