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created at 2017-12-21 11:06:49 UTC
updated at 2017-12-21 11:20:58 UTC
2 layers
345,602 entries
Sternal end of clavicle ANAT:FMA
Proximal epyphysis of clavicle ANAT:FMA
Acromial end of clavicle ANAT:FMA
Lateral end of clavicle ANAT:FMA
Extremitas acromialis claviculae ANAT:FMA
Distal epyphysis of clavicle ANAT:FMA
Facies symphysialis ANAT:FMA
Symphysial surface of pubis ANAT:FMA
Linea terminalis ANAT:FMA
Linea terminalis pelvis ANAT:FMA
Linea terminalis of pelvis ANAT:FMA
Linea terminalis of bony pelvis ANAT:FMA
Fossa acetabuli ANAT:FMA
Fossa acetabularis (acetabuli) ANAT:FMA
Acetabular articular surface ANAT:FMA