PHEN2_YXZ (17,329) Find_IDs Annotation
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created at 2017-12-21 11:08:47 UTC
updated at 2017-12-23 06:29:36 UTC
2 layers
Rubella virus identified | bld-ser-plas PHEN:LNC
Mycobacterium sp identified | Tissue and Smears PHEN:LNC
Neutrophil cytoplasmic Ab.classic | bld-ser-plas PHEN:LNC
Adipate.unsaturated | Urine PHEN:LNC
Alkaline phosphatase.macro | Bld-Ser-Plas PHEN:LNC
Arbovirus identified | XXX PHEN:LNC
Cryoglobulin type | bld-ser-plas PHEN:LNC
Cryptococcus sp identified | XXX PHEN:LNC
Anaplasma sp identified | bld-ser-plas PHEN:LNC
Horowitz index | Venous blood and Inhaled gas PHEN:LNC
Virus identified | amniotic fluid PHEN:LNC
Multiple drug resistant organism identified | wound PHEN:LNC
Anion gap | bld-ser-plas PHEN:LNC
Horowitz index | Blood and Inhaled gas PHEN:LNC
Mycobacterium sp identified | synovial fluid PHEN:LNC