CHEM_CY (2,315,298) Find_IDs Annotation
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created at 2017-12-28 15:20:11 UTC
updated at 2017-12-28 17:42:40 UTC
Sub-category as a label
Tin | Tissue and Smears CHEM:Element, Ion, or Isotope
Vanadium | Tissue and Smears CHEM:Element, Ion, or Isotope
Viusid CHEM:Element, Ion, or Isotope
Rf (rutherfordium) CHEM:Element, Ion, or Isotope
Rutherfordium CHEM:Element, Ion, or Isotope
Urea [14C] CHEM:Element, Ion, or Isotope
Urea C-14 CHEM:Element, Ion, or Isotope
C14 Urea CHEM:Element, Ion, or Isotope
UREA C-14 CHEM:Element, Ion, or Isotope
Urea C-14 CHEM:Element, Ion, or Isotope
Urea C-14 CHEM:Element, Ion, or Isotope
Urea, C-14 CHEM:Element, Ion, or Isotope
Carbon 14 urea CHEM:Element, Ion, or Isotope
Urea (14C) CHEM:Element, Ion, or Isotope
14C-urea CHEM:Element, Ion, or Isotope