ANAT_CY (345,602) Find_IDs Annotation
language -
license -
created at 2017-12-28 14:56:41 UTC
updated at 2017-12-28 15:19:09 UTC
Sub-category as a label
Wrist left | ultrasound (US) ANAT:Body Location or Region
Knee region structure ANAT:Body Location or Region
Knee region ANAT:Body Location or Region
Regio genus ANAT:Body Location or Region
Knee subdivision ANAT:Body Location or Region
Subdivision of knee ANAT:Body Location or Region
Knee region ANAT:Body Location or Region
Subdivision of knee ANAT:Body Location or Region
Region of knee ANAT:Body Location or Region
Neck | ultrasound (US) ANAT:Body Location or Region
Neck | computerized tomography (CT) ANAT:Body Location or Region
Chest and Abdomen | Computerized tomography (CT) ANAT:Body Location or Region
Chest | computerized tomography (CT) ANAT:Body Location or Region
Wrist left | computerized tomography (CT) ANAT:Body Location or Region
Wrist | ultrasound (US) ANAT:Body Location or Region